Category Archives: Weddings

The room grew quiet as each person walked out into the cool night, a cocktail in hand and laughter echoing behind them as the double doors closed. The music began on the dance floor, the light glistening off of her dazzling dress along with the sparkling disco balls that lined the stage. It was just […]


The candles flickered and ice shifted in glasses among the electric hum of voices belonging to those who hadn’t seen each other in far too long. The clinking of forks on champagne flutes could be heard as the father of the bride took a microphone in one hand and a drink in the other while […]


He couldn’t take his eyes off of her… The pathway she walked down was lined with small white flowers and orange desert plants, her white dress train draped over the crook of her elbow as she took each slow step. He could hear her behind him, and he could feel her presence so close as […]


She was behind him at the top of the stairs, and he could feel her presence, but he couldn’t see her just yet. He listened as she descended, her heels clicking against the stairs with every step, seemingly in slow motion. Her crisp white dress and sleek black curls contrasted against the wall behind her […]


We were the only ones out on the golf course, the temperature quickly dropping with the sun, Camelback Mountain glowing pink behind them. The two swans in the pond dove below the surface over and over, their little tail feathers poking up above the water as the sprinklers in the distance kicked on. It was […]
