2016 Behind the Scenes

Oh I can’t wait to share a few fun images from my vantage point on a real wedding day! I’m blessed enough to be in my couples’ inner circles throughout the most important day of their lives, and each time I get to experience so many unforgettable memories! So sit back and enjoy the view from a different side of the lens, as I remember the crazy, fast-paced, amazing pieces of these 2016 weddings!

From capturing the most sacred moments for some of my long-time friends…

And crying as I saw them walk down the aisle.

From using my trusty stool that I never go without…

To almost tripping over it. A lot.

Making sure trains are always fluffed and clean,

And bows are always tight and pretty.

I’ve also become a master at sliding a veil into an up-do without flattening the hair (and teaching mom’s how to do it too).

And ohhh the bouttioniers.

 I have pinned on more than I can count, and can now do it in under 20 seconds! Time me. I’m pretty impressive 😉

And I bet you didn’t know, I’m also a choir conductor,

Knee-pop/hand-in-pocket teacher,

Crossing guard,

And I heard Cats is back on Broadway! I’m thinking of auditioning.

2016-12-27_0161But in all honesty, between the thousands of lighting test shots throughout the day,

And the tired-eyed ones in the evening,


It’s all worth it to get the most memorable shot.

And oh, how I LOVE celebrating with my sweet couples! Sometimes a little too much…

At the end of every wedding day, I go home with sore muscles and cheeks, and a heart filled with a joy that’s completely indescribable. I love these crazy times and beautiful couples more than you could know, and I can’t wait to do it all again next year!

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