Category Archives: Engagements

The sun was sinking lower behind the rocky cliffs, blanketing the mountains in a soft pink glow. The branches of every tree danced in the breeze as the yellow of Spring diffused their leaves into a light velvety green. As they walked, their toes kicked up the peach colored dust beneath their feet, and with her hand […]


They sat beneath the cool cover of the trees, lights twinkling above them in the brisk evening air. They talked and smiled in the dim glow of the romantic ambiance, a bouqet of roses on the table in front of them. She thought that surprise was the sweetest one she would get that night, and […]


Who would have thought, that the same place he asked her to be his wife, would be the same place she would become his wife? There, at the same golf course where he got down on one knee, they will say their wedding vows and begin their happily ever after. It sounds like a dream […]


They walked hand in hand as the breeze danced through her red hair, her skirt blowing behind her while they stepped over the tall grass. As she looked at her feet and carefully tip toed around rocks, he kept his eyes locked on her. Pretty much the entire time we were there. And she could […]


They walked with their toes sinking in the white sand, the breeze blowing through her dark hair as their fingers laced together. They looked at each other and smiled catching one another’s gaze with their sweet puppy prancing in front of their feet. The Oregon seaside was especially beautiful that day; maybe it was because […]
